Modeling Mutations Quick Check

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How are DNA and mRNA related?(1 point)

DNA is used as a template to make mRNA.
DNA is used as a template to make mRNA.

mRNA is used as a template to make DNA.
mRNA is used as a template to make DNA.

If there has been a mutation in DNA, the mRNA will not change.
If there has been a mutation in DNA, the mRNA will not change.

If there has been a mutation in mRNA, the DNA will not change.

If there has been a mutation in mRNA, the DNA will not change.

If there has been a mutation in mRNA, the DNA will not change.

The correct answer is: DNA is used as a template to make mRNA.

To understand how DNA and mRNA are related, it's important to know the central dogma of molecular biology. According to this concept, genetic information flows from DNA to mRNA to proteins.

During a process called transcription, DNA is used as a template to make mRNA. The enzyme RNA polymerase binds to a specific region of the DNA molecule and synthesizes a complementary strand of mRNA. This process occurs in the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell or in the cytoplasm of a prokaryotic cell.

Once mRNA is synthesized, it undergoes a process called translation. During translation, mRNA serves as a template for the synthesis of proteins. Ribosomes read the sequence of nucleotides in mRNA and assemble amino acids in the correct order to form a polypeptide chain, which ultimately folds into a functional protein.

So, in summary, DNA is used as a template to make mRNA during transcription, and mRNA serves as a template for the synthesis of proteins during translation.