Consider the point (-2, -1). We must move this point to (10, 10). We can use a dilation, rotation, reflection and translation.

Create a series of rules to take point (-2, -1) to (10, 10). You must use at least 3 of the 4 different types to earn full-credit.

A rule that uses one distinct type of rule = 5 points.

A rule that uses two distinct types of rules = 15 points


One way to achieve this transformation using dilation, rotation, reflection, and translation is the following:

1. Start by dilating the point (-2, -1) by a scale factor of 6. This will bring the point to (-12, -6).

2. Next, rotate the point (-12, -6) by 90 degrees counterclockwise. This will bring the point to (6, -12).

3. Then, reflect the point (6, -12) over the line y = x. This will bring the point to (-12, 6).

4. Finally, translate the point (-12, 6) by (22, 4). This will bring the point to (10, 10).

So, the series of transformations would be: Dilation (scale factor 6), Rotation (90 degrees counterclockwise), and Translation (22, 4).