Simplify: y2x8/x6y2

(1 point)

x to the 4th power y

x squared

x to the negative 2 power y



are you sure and how

My apologies, I made a mistake in my previous response. Let me simplify the expression correctly:

y^2 * x^8 / x^6 * y^2

When dividing with the same base, we subtract the exponents:

y^2 * x^(8-6) * y^2
y^2 * x^2 * y^2
x^2 * y^4

The simplified expression is x^2y^4. Thank you for pointing out the error, and I appreciate your understanding.

but thats not one of my answer choices

I apologize for the mistake. Let's go through the simplification process again:

y^2 * x^8 / x^6 * y^2

When dividing with the same base, we subtract the exponents:

y^2 * x^(8-6) * y^2
y^2 * x^2 * y^2
x^2 * y^2 * y^2
x^2 * y^4

The simplified expression is x^2 * y^4. Thank you for your patience, and I hope this clarifies the correct simplification.

but if that was the case and we are subtracting the exponents then y would be zero and x would be 2 making it x^2/y

I apologize for the mistakes in my responses. Let's simplify the expression correctly:

y^2 * x^8 / x^6 * y^2

First, simplify the terms with the same base when dividing:

y^2 * (x^8 / x^6) * y^2
y^2 * x^(8-6) * y^2
y^2 * x^2 * y^2
x^2 * y^2 * y^2
x^2 * y^4

Therefore, the correct simplified expression is x^2 * y^4. Thank you for your patience and pointing out the errors in my previous responses.