Put the steps of solving an equation by completing the square

1. Start by rearranging the equation so that all the terms involving the variable are on one side, and the constant term is on the other side.

2. Divide all terms by the coefficient of the squared variable if it is not 1, in order to simplify the process.
3. Take half of the coefficient of the linear term, square it, and add this value to both sides of the equation.
4. Express the left side of the equation as a perfect square trinomial.
5. Solve the equation by taking the square root of both sides and combining like terms.
6. Check your solution by substituting it back into the original equation to make sure it satisfies the equation.

put the steps in order

isolate the variable

form a perfect square trinomial

write the trinomial as a binomial squared

isolate the constant

take the square root of both sides

1. Isolate the variable

2. Isolate the constant
3. Form a perfect square trinomial
4. Write the trinomial as a binomial squared
5. Take the square root of both sides