Put the steps in order for solving the equation: −2(4x+8)+2x = −5x+10


1. Start by distributing the -2 on the left side of the equation: -8x - 16 + 2x = -5x + 10

2. Combine like terms on both sides: -8x + 2x - 16 = -5x + 10
3. Simplify the equation: -6x - 16 = -5x + 10
4. Move all the x terms to one side of the equation: -6x + 5x = 10 + 16
5. Combine like terms on both sides: -x = 26
6. Divide both sides of the equation by -1 to solve for x: x = -26.

A student solves the following problem: 2(x - 2) + 5x = 24

Step 1: 2x - 4 + 5x = 24

Step 2: 10x - 4 = 24

Step 3: 10x - 4 + 4 = 24 + 4

Step 4: 10x = 28

Step 5: 10x/10=28/10

Step 6: x = 2.8

Where is the mistake? What did the student do incorrectly?

The mistake is in Step 3. The student incorrectly added 4 to both sides of the equation instead of subtracting 4 from both sides.

The correct step 3 should be: 10x - 4 - 4 = 24 - 4

This would result in: 10x - 8 = 20

To solve the equation: 24(34+x)=1,200

, give the reasons for each of the given steps.

What was done to the previous step to get to the current equation?

Step 1: 816+24x=1,200
Step 2: 816−816+24x=1,200 − 816
Step 3: 24x=384
Step 4: x=1

Step 1: 816+24x=1,200

To get to step 1, the equation was simplified by distributing 24 to both terms inside the parentheses.

Step 2: 816−816+24x=1,200 − 816
To get to step 2, 816 was subtracted from both sides of the equation in order to isolate the term with 24x.

Step 3: 24x=384
To get to step 3, the terms on the left side of the equation were combined by subtracting 816 from 816, resulting in 0.

Step 4: x=1
To get to step 4, both sides of the equation were simplified by dividing by 24 to solve for x.

2 of 52 of 5 Items

To solve the equation: 24(34+x)=1,200
, give the reasons for each of the given steps.

What was done to the previous step to get to the current equation?

Step 1: 816+24x=1,200
Step 2: 816−816+24x=1,200 − 816
Step 3: 24x=384
Step 4: x=16

Step 1: 816+24x=1,200

To get to step 1, the equation was simplified by multiplying 24 with 34+x.

Step 2: 816−816+24x=1,200 − 816
To get to step 2, 816 was subtracted from both sides of the equation in order to isolate the term with 24x.

Step 3: 24x=384
To get to step 3, the terms on the left side of the equation were combined by subtracting 816 from 816, resulting in 0.

Step 4: x=16
To get to step 4, both sides of the equation were simplified by dividing by 24 to solve for x.

Simplify: −4(2x+5)





−4(2x + 5) simplifies to -8x - 20.

(−4−2x) + (−4−5) simplifies to -8 - 2x - 9 which further simplifies to -17 - 2x.

(−4+2x) × (−4+5) simplifies to (-4 + 2x) × 1 which further simplifies to -4 + 2x.

(−4 × 2x) + (−4 × 5) simplifies to -8x - 20.

(−4 ÷ 2x) + (−4 ÷ 5) does not simplify as it involves division of variables.

To solve the equation −2(4x+8)+2x = −5x+10, follow these steps:

Step 1: Distribute the -2 to the terms inside the parentheses:
-2 * 4x = -8x
-2 * 8 = -16

The equation becomes:
-8x - 16 + 2x = -5x + 10

Step 2: Combine like terms on both sides of the equation:
(-8x + 2x) - 16 = -5x + 10
-6x - 16 = -5x + 10

Step 3: Move all terms containing x to one side of the equation:
-6x + 5x - 16 = 10
-x - 16 = 10

Step 4: Add 16 to both sides of the equation to isolate the term with x:
-x - 16 + 16 = 10 + 16
-x = 26

Step 5: Multiply the entire equation by -1 to get x positive:
x = -26

Therefore, the solution to the equation is x = -26.