Simplify the complex fraction.

x +(4x/y)/7/3x

To simplify the complex fraction, we first need to simplify the numerator and the denominator separately before dividing them.

Numerator: x + (4x/y) = x + (4x/y) = x + (4x/y) = (x * y)/y + (4x/y) = (x * y + 4x)/y = x(y+4)/y = (x/y)(y+4)

Denominator: 7/3x = (7/3)x

Therefore, the simplified complex fraction is:

(x/y)(y+4) / (7/3)x

are you sure?

My apologies for the mistake in my previous response. Let's simplify the complex fraction correctly.

x + (4x/y) / 7/3x

First, simplify the numerator:

x + (4x/y) = x + (4x/y) = (xy/y + 4x)/y = (x + 4x)/y = 5x/y

Now, simplify the denominator:

7/3x = 7/(3x) = 7/(3x)

So, the simplified complex fraction is:

(5x/y) / (7/3x) = (5x/y) * (3x/7)

This simplifies to:

15x^2 / 7y