put the the cells on where they are suppose to go.

Word Bank: Cytoplasm, Ribosome, Mitochondria, Golgi apparatus or body, Lysosome,
Rough ER, Smooth ER, Plasma Membrane, and Nucleus.


controls and regulates the activities of the cell:

City Hall:

controls most of the city by sending out information that it needs to function:

Nucleus: controls and regulates the activities of the cell

City Hall: controls most of the city by sending out information that it needs to function

Cytoplasm: jelly-like substance that fills the cell and helps maintain its shape

Ribosome: site of protein synthesis in the cell

Mitochondria: powerhouse of the cell where energy is produced

Golgi apparatus or body: processes and packages proteins for transport within the cell

Lysosome: contains digestive enzymes to break down waste and foreign material in the cell

Rough ER: site of protein synthesis and processing, studded with ribosomes

Smooth ER: involved in lipid and carbohydrate metabolism

Plasma Membrane: separates the cell from its environment and regulates what enters and leaves the cell