the star that always stays by anna rose johnson

Provide an overview of the novel. With what issues/ events does he or she present?

"The Star That Always Stays" is a heartwarming novel that follows the life of a young girl named Anna Rose Johnson. Anna is an introverted and imaginative child who struggles to find her place in the world. She often feels like an outsider and is searching for a sense of belonging and connection.

Throughout the novel, Anna faces challenges such as bullying at school, the illness of a family member, and the pressures of trying to fit in with her peers. Despite these obstacles, Anna finds solace in her love for stargazing and the beautiful night sky. She becomes fascinated with a particular star that seems to always be there, like a guiding light in her life.

As Anna navigates the ups and downs of her childhood, she learns valuable lessons about resilience, friendship, and the power of perseverance. The novel explores themes of self-discovery, acceptance, and the importance of finding beauty and wonder in the world around us. Through Anna's journey, readers are reminded of the magic and comfort that can be found in the smallest moments and the simplest joys of life.