Read the following sentence.

Jack's words burned Anna and she cried for days.

Which of following best explains what happened when "Jack's words burned Anna"?
Jack yelled at Anna.

Jack's words hurt Anna's feelings.

Jack's words set fire to Anna.

B. Jack's words hurt Anna's feelings.

The best explanation for what happened when "Jack's words burned Anna" is option B: Jack's words hurt Anna's feelings.

To arrive at this answer, we can analyze the sentence and its context. The phrase "Jack's words burned Anna" is a figurative expression, meaning that Jack's words caused emotional pain or hurt to Anna, rather than literally setting her on fire. This interpretation aligns with common usage and understanding of the phrase.

When we examine the rest of the sentence, it mentions that Anna cried for days after this event. This emotional response reinforces the idea that Jack's words affected her on an emotional level, causing her distress.

Therefore, option B, "Jack's words hurt Anna's feelings," best explains what happened when "Jack's words burned Anna."

The best explanation for what happened when "Jack's words burned Anna" is B. Jack's words hurt Anna's feelings.