an engineer is designing a cylinder- shaped structureusing the formula shown below. As shown, an approximation of 22/7 is used for π the formula V=22/7r^2h The engineer is considering differnt vaules for r, the radius in meters, and h, the height in meters. Which pair of vaules make V, the volume in cubic meters, and irrational numbers?

If the engineer wants the volume (V) to be an irrational number, they should choose values for r and h that result in an irrational number when plugged into the formula V=22/7r^2h.

For example, if they choose r=√2 (approximately 1.414) and h=√3 (approximately 1.732), then V=22/7(√2)^2(√3)=22/7(2)(√3)=44√3/7 which is an irrational number.

So, the pair of values that make V an irrational number are r=√2 and h=√3.