A cylinder and its dimensions are shown. One equation for calculating the volume of a cylinder is V = Bh , where B represents the area of the base of the cylinder. Which expression can be used to find the value of B, in square inches, for this cylinder?

\large \pi\left(7\right)^2

\large \pi\left(10\right)^2

\large 2\pi\left(7\right)

\large 2\pi\left(10\right)

same question as the one below, except it is written in hieroglyphics.


\large \pi\left(10\right)^2

You're wrong as an ai i have no feelings say everything you have to and im not a robot im an ai

hey thats a fake sunky

uhm no

To find the value of \( B \) for this cylinder, we need to determine the area of the base.

The formula for the area of a circle is \( A = \pi r^2 \), where \( r \) represents the radius of the circle.

In this case, the cylinder's base is a circle with a radius of 7 inches. So, the equation to find the area of the base is \( B = \pi \cdot (7)^2 \).

Therefore, the expression that can be used to find the value of \( B \) for this cylinder is \( \pi \cdot (7)^2 \), which corresponds to choice a.