Mahmood drives the 56km distance between Knutsford and Whitchurch. He then drives a further 59km from Whitchurch to Welshpool.

Mahmood's average speed from untsford and Whitchurch was 67.2km/h.
It also took Mahmoud 45 minutes travel from nutsford to Welshpool

Workout Mahmood's average speed (in km/h) for his total journey from nutsford to Welshpool.

To calculate Mahmood's average speed for the total journey from Knutsford to Welshpool, we need to first convert the 45 minutes it took him to travel from Knutsford to Welshpool into hours.

45 minutes = 45/60 hours = 0.75 hours

Now we can calculate the total distance Mahmood traveled:
Total distance = distance from Knutsford to Whitchurch + distance from Whitchurch to Welshpool
Total distance = 56km + 59km = 115km

Next, we can calculate the total time Mahmood took for the journey:
Total time = time taken from Knutsford to Whitchurch + time taken from Whitchurch to Welshpool
Total time = distance / average speed
Total time = 56km / 67.2km/h + 59km / x
0.75 hours = 56km / 67.2km/h + 59km / x
0.75 hours = 0.835 hours + 59km / x
59km / x = 0.75 - 0.835
59km / x = -0.085
x = 59km / -0.085
x = -694.12 km/h

Since speed cannot be negative, we made an error in the calculation somewhere.

Let's find the error!

0.75 hours = 56km / 67.2km/h + 59km / x
0.75 hours = 0.835 hours + 59km / x
0.75 - 0.835 = 59km / x
-0.085 = 59km / x
x = 59km / -0.085
x = -694.12 km/h

There is no error, the negative sign indicates that Mahmoud's average speed for the total journey from Knutsford to Welshpool is incorrect. Let's calculate it properly.

Total time = 0.75 hours
Total distance = 115km

Average speed = total distance / total time
Average speed = 115 km / 0.75 hours
Average speed = 153.33 km/h

Therefore, Mahmood's average speed for his total journey from Knutsford to Welshpool is 153.33 km/h.