Calculate the distance tarry drives if she drives 7/8 mile each way to and from work.

Sounds like Tarry drives 7/8 miles twice, so you would just add up the two distances.

Well, if Tarry drives 7/8 mile each way to work and back, then she would drive a total of 7/8 + 7/8 miles. So the distance Tarry drives in total would be... wait for it... 1 and 3/4 mile!

To calculate the total distance that Tarry drives if she drives 7/8 mile each way to and from work, we need to find the round trip distance.

To find the round trip distance, we multiply the one-way distance by 2.

Round trip distance = 7/8 mile × 2

To multiply fractions, we multiply the numerators together to get the new numerator, and multiply the denominators together to get the new denominator.

Round trip distance = (7 × 2) / (8 × 1)

Round trip distance = 14 / 8

Since 14 and 8 have no common factors other than 1, the fraction cannot be simplified further.

Therefore, the total distance that Tarry drives each day to and from work is 14/8 mile.

To calculate the distance Tarry drives, we need to find the round trip distance. Tarry drives 7/8 mile each way, so to calculate the round trip distance, we add the distance traveled one way to the distance traveled back.

Distance traveled one way: 7/8 mile
Distance traveled back: 7/8 mile

To find the round trip distance, we add the two distances:

Round trip distance = Distance traveled one way + Distance traveled back
Round trip distance = (7/8) + (7/8)

To add the fractions, both fractions need a common denominator. In this case, 8 is already a common denominator. So we can add the numerators and keep the denominator:

Round trip distance = (7 + 7)/8
Round trip distance = 14/8

Since 14/8 can be simplified, we can divide the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 2:

Round trip distance = (14/2)/(8/2)
Round trip distance = 7/4

Therefore, Tarry drives a round trip distance of 7/4 mile each day to and from work.