Suggest reasons why Shakespeare employed this specific syntax of the word order of subject, object and verb

1. Shakespeare may have used this syntax to create a more formal or poetic tone in his writing. This construction can sound more lyrical or elegant than the typical word order.

2. Shakespeare may have used this syntax to emphasize certain words or ideas in his writing. Placing the subject and object before the verb can draw attention to these elements and highlight their importance in the sentence.

3. Shakespeare may have used this syntax for dramatic effect or to create a specific rhythm in his verse. The inverted word order can add variety and complexity to his writing, making it more engaging and impactful for the audience.

4. Shakespeare may have used this syntax to adhere to the conventions of Elizabethan English grammar. In his time, English syntax and word order were more flexible and varied than they are in modern English, allowing for greater experimentation and creativity in his writing.

5. Shakespeare may have used this syntax to accommodate the requirements of iambic pentameter, the poetic meter he often employed in his plays and sonnets. Inverting the word order could help him maintain the rhythmic pattern and structure of his verse.