The main contributors to Canada's economy are natural resources, the service sector, manufacturing, and agriculture. These contributions affect nominal GDP by generating economic output and income for the country. They also impact per capita GDP by providing employment opportunities and income for the population.

Rephrase this sentence into human text.

Natural resources, the service sector, manufacturing, and agriculture are the major factors that help Canada's economy grow. These contributions have a significant impact on both the overall economic output and income of the country. Furthermore, they also play a crucial role in creating job opportunities and generating income for the people, thus influencing the per person economic output of Canada.

Make it sound like a 3rd grader

Stuff like trees, rocks, and oil, along with stores, making things, and farms, all help Canada’s economy be super strong. They help give the country lots of money and stuff. Plus, they also make sure people have jobs and get paid, which helps every person in Canada be rich.

Make it sound like a 6th grader.

Canada's economy gets a major boost from things like natural resources, services, manufacturing, and agriculture. These things are super important because they help Canada make a lot of money and create a bunch of cool stuff. They also make sure that people have jobs and earn money, which is great because it helps everyone in Canada's economy be successful and prosperous.

Rephrase it in prek

Canada's economy gets a big help from things like trees, shops, making things, and farms. They make Canada lots of money and cool stuff. They also give jobs and money to people, which is really good because it helps everyone in Canada have a nice life.