Wheat, aluminum, fish and timber are examples of Canada’ what? (1 point)


natural resources
natural resources

human resources
human resources

capital goods
capital goods

market resources

natural resources

The correct answer is "natural resources." Wheat, aluminum, fish, and timber are examples of natural resources.

The correct answer is "natural resources." Wheat, aluminum, fish, and timber are all examples of natural resources in Canada. These resources are derived from the environment and are typically used for economic purposes such as food production, manufacturing, or trade.

To find the answer to this question, you can use different methods:

1. Prior knowledge: If you are familiar with the topic of natural resources, you may have already known that wheat, aluminum, fish, and timber are considered natural resources. In such cases, you can trust your knowledge and answer the question correctly.

2. Research: If you are unsure or want to double-check your answer, you can conduct some research. Using search engines or encyclopedia sources, you can look up examples of natural resources in Canada. This will provide you with the information you need to confidently answer the question.

Remember, it's always good to verify your answers with reliable sources, especially if you are unsure or want to learn more about a particular topic.