Why did the Populist movement break up after the election of 1896?

Democrats adopted several Populist causes.
Democrats adopted several Populist causes.

They lost support for an 8-hour workday.
They lost support for an 8-hour workday.

People tired of a lack of prosperity.
People tired of a lack of prosperity.

Its members decided to adopt the gold standard.

Its members decided to adopt the gold standard.

Which legislation gave large grants of land to states to establish agricultural colleges?

(1 point)

Public Education Act
Public Education Act

Homestead Act
Homestead Act

Morrill Acts
Morrill Acts

Land Compromise Act

Morrill Acts

Which two groups were the primary settlers of the Southwest?

(1 point)

Chinese and Hispanics
Chinese and Hispanics

Anglos and Mexicanos
Anglos and Mexicanos

Hispanics and Anglos
Hispanics and Anglos

Mexicanos and Chinese

Hispanics and Anglos