Why did the Populist movement break up after the election of 1896?

(1 point)

Democrats adopted several Populist causes.
Democrats adopted several Populist causes.

They lost support for an 8-hour workday.
They lost support for an 8-hour workday.

People tired of a lack of prosperity.
People tired of a lack of prosperity.

Its members decided to adopt the gold standard.

The Populist movement broke up after the election of 1896 mainly because the Democrats adopted several Populist causes. This led to a loss of support for an 8-hour workday and people becoming tired of a lack of prosperity. Additionally, the Populist members decided to adopt the gold standard, which further divided the movement.

The Populist movement broke up after the election of 1896 due to several factors. One of the factors was that the Democrats adopted several Populist causes. This meant that the Democratic party started advocating for some of the same policies and reforms that the Populist movement had been pushing for, making the Populist party seem less necessary.

Another reason for the breakup of the Populist movement was the loss of support for an 8-hour workday. This was an important issue for the Populists, but it did not gain enough traction and support from the general population, leading to a loss of momentum for the movement.

Furthermore, people grew tired of a lack of prosperity. The Populist movement was born out of a desire for economic fairness and better conditions for the common people. However, the economic situation did not significantly improve, and as a result, some people lost faith in the ability of the Populists to bring about real change.

Lastly, some members of the Populist movement decided to adopt the gold standard. This was a significant departure from the original ideals of the Populist movement, which advocated for bimetallism (the use of both gold and silver as currency). This change in stance caused divisions within the movement and contributed to its eventual dissolution.

To understand why the Populist movement broke up after the election of 1896, you can study historical sources such as books, articles, and primary documents related to the time period. These sources can provide information about the political dynamics, economic conditions, and ideological shifts that influenced the breakup of the Populist movement.

Its members decided to adopt the gold standard.