Triangle XYZ is translated 2 units to the left and 4 units down to form triangle

X'Y'Z'. If vertex Y is located at (3, -6), what are the coordinates of vertex
Y'? (1 point)
• (5, -2)
• (1, -10)
• (-2, -4)
• (1, -6)

To find the coordinates of vertex Y', we need to translate the y-coordinate of vertex Y by 4 units down.

Since the y-coordinate of vertex Y is -6, subtracting 4 units gives us -6 - 4 = -10.

So, the y-coordinate of vertex Y' is -10.

The translation also states that the triangle is translated 2 units to the left.

Since the x-coordinate of vertex Y is 3, subtracting 2 units gives us 3 - 2 = 1.

So, the x-coordinate of vertex Y' is 1.

Therefore, the coordinates of vertex Y' are (1, -10).

The correct option is:
• (1, -10)