Find the perimeter of rectangle LMNO , with vertices L(−2,−1) , M(−5,−1) , N(−5,−6) , and O(−2,−6) .(1 point)


16 units
16 units

20 units
20 units

24 units
24 units

15 units

To find the perimeter of a rectangle, we need to add up the lengths of all four sides.

The distance between points L and M is 3 units (since they both have the same y-coordinate).

The distance between points M and N is also 5 units (since they both have the same x-coordinate).

The distance between points N and O is 4 units (since they both have the same y-coordinate).

The distance between points O and L is also 5 units (since they both have the same x-coordinate).

Adding up these distances, we get:

3 + 5 + 4 + 5 = 17 units.

Therefore, the correct answer is that the perimeter of rectangle LMNO is 17 units.