what advice the poet give the reader?

Without knowing which specific poem you are referring to, it is difficult to provide accurate advice given by the poet. However, poets often give various advice through their works. Some common advice given by poets includes:

1. Explore and embrace your emotions: Poets often encourage readers to delve into their feelings, encouraging them to confront and express their emotions honestly. They may advise readers to embrace joy, sadness, love, heartbreak, and all other emotions to live a fuller and more authentic life.

2. Find beauty in the ordinary: Poets often remind readers to appreciate the simple and ordinary moments in life. They encourage finding beauty in nature, everyday experiences, and mundane occurrences. Through poetry, they may inspire readers to see the extraordinary in the seemingly ordinary.

3. Reflect and contemplate: Poets often encourage readers to take time for introspection and self-reflection. They advocate for contemplation, solitude, and mindful observation of the world around them. They may suggest that readers pause and reflect on their actions, thoughts, and the impact they have on themselves and others.

4. Embrace imagination and creativity: Poets often call upon readers to nurture their imagination and creativity. They advise readers to think outside the box, explore new ideas, and embrace the power of imagination. They may encourage readers to seek inspiration from art, literature, and the world around them.

5. Seek empathy and understanding: Poets often advocate for empathy and understanding, urging readers to see the world through different perspectives. They advise readers to cultivate compassion, to listen to others, and to be open-minded. Poets emphasize the importance of human connection and encourage readers to cherish and understand each other.

Remember that the advice given by poets may vary depending on their individual beliefs, style, and intended message. It is always essential to interpret and apply their advice in a way that resonates with your own values and experiences.