Which of the following is a poet's purpose for using sound devices in poetry? To engage the reader

To make the reader emotional
To create music
To make the poem complex

To create music.

The poet's purpose for using sound devices in poetry can vary, but I will explain the four options you provided:

1. To engage the reader: Sound devices, such as rhyme, rhythm, and alliteration, can capture the reader's attention and make the poem more engaging. By using these techniques, the poet creates a memorable and enjoyable reading experience.

2. To make the reader emotional: Sound devices can evoke certain emotions in the reader. For example, the use of soft and gentle sounds can create a calm and soothing atmosphere, while harsh and sharp sounds can evoke tension or anger. By manipulating sound, poets can create an emotional response in the reader.

3. To create music: Poetry is often referred to as a form of musical language. Sound devices, such as meter and repetition, can create a musical quality in the poem. By carefully selecting and arranging words, poets can create a rhythmic and melodic flow that resembles music and enhances the overall aesthetic appeal of the poem.

4. To make the poem complex: Sound devices can add layers of complexity to a poem. Poets may use intricate rhymes, complex rhythms, and unexpected sound patterns to challenge the reader's perception and enhance the meaning of the poem. By utilizing sound devices, poets can create a sense of depth and richness in their work.

All of these purposes are valid and a poet's choice to use sound devices in poetry can be a combination of one or more of these reasons. Ultimately, the effect of sound devices is highly subjective and depends on the reader's interpretation and emotional response.

The purpose of a poet using sound devices in poetry can vary, but some common purposes are:

1. To engage the reader: Sound devices, such as rhyme, rhythm, and repetition, can make a poem more engaging and captivating for the reader. These devices can create a sense of musicality and flow, which can hold the reader's attention and make the poem more memorable.

2. To make the reader emotional: Sound devices in poetry can enhance the emotional impact of the poem. Techniques like alliteration, onomatopoeia, and assonance can create specific sounds that evoke certain moods or emotions in the reader, helping them connect with the content of the poem on a deeper level.

3. To create music: Sound devices can be used to create a musical quality in poetry. Techniques like meter, rhyme, and repetition can give the poem a rhythmic structure akin to music. By using these devices, poets can create a pleasing and harmonious auditory experience for the reader.

4. To make the poem complex: Sound devices can also be used to add complexity to a poem. By employing techniques such as internal rhyme, enjambment, or consonance, poets can create intricate patterns and layers of meaning within the poem's structure. These devices add depth and richness to the poem, making it more intellectually stimulating for the reader.