what advice would reader like to give the poet?

As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinions or preferences. However, I can provide some general advice that a reader might give to a poet:

1. Embrace vulnerability: Poetry is a medium that allows you to express your deepest emotions and thoughts. Be brave and open, as this can make your work more relatable and impactful.

2. Experiment with different forms and styles: Poetry comes in various forms, such as sonnets, haikus, free verse, and more. Explore different styles to expand your writing skills and find the ones that best convey your message.

3. Show, don't tell: Use vivid imagery, metaphor, and sensory details to paint a picture with your words. This engages the reader's imagination and creates a more immersive experience.

4. Edit and revise: After writing a poem, take the time to revise and improve it. Identify areas where the language can be tightened, clichés can be replaced with original language, and ideas can be clarified.

5. Read widely: Familiarize yourself with different poets, both classic and contemporary, to broaden your understanding of poetry's possibilities. This exposure can inspire you and expose you to new techniques and perspectives.

6. Seek feedback: Share your work with other poets, join writing groups, or participate in poetry workshops where you can receive constructive criticism and insights. This feedback can help you refine your craft and discover blind spots.

7. Trust your voice: Don't be afraid to experiment and be true to your own unique style and voice. Every poet brings something distinctive to the world of poetry, so believe in your own creative instincts.

Remember, every reader may have different perspectives. It is essential to consider different feedback and adapt it to your own artistic vision. Ultimately, the decision rests with the poet on how they want their work to evolve.