A submarine hovers at 66 and two-thirds yards below sea level. If it ascends 24 and StartFraction 1 over 8 EndFraction yards and then descends 78 and three-fourths yards, what is the submarine’s new position, in yards, with respect to sea level?

A. Negative 169 and StartFraction 13 over 24 EndFraction
B. Negative 121 and StartFraction 7 over 24 EndFraction
C. Negative 12 and StartFraction 1 over 24 EndFraction
D. 12 and StartFraction 1 over 24 EndFraction

The submarine starts at 66 and two-thirds yards below sea level.

If it ascends 24 and 1/8 yards, its position relative to sea level increases by 24 and 1/8 yards.

66 and 2/3 + 24 and 1/8 = 90 and 20/24 yards below sea level.

If it then descends 78 and 3/4 yards, its position relative to sea level decreases by 78 and 3/4 yards.

90 and 20/24 - 78 and 3/4 = 12 and 17/24 = 12 and 1/24 yards below sea level.

Therefore, the submarine's new position, in yards, with respect to sea level is Negative 12 and 1/24 yards.

Answer: C. Negative 12 and 1/24.