Look at the Description below: Then answer the question.

* Salt lake City, Utah is 4330 ft. above sea level. Anderson, South Carolina is 722 ft. above sea level.

* Water boils at sea level at 100 degrees Celsius. The boiling point of water decreases about 5 degrees Celsius for every mile above sea level.

* At about what temperature does water boil in Anderson, South Carolina? In Salt Lake City, Utah? (Hint: 1 mile = 5280 ft.)

Please Help!!
Thank You!

im in pre algebra 7th grade and we have this for hw

Is either of those cities over 1 mile above sea level?

5280 / 5 = 1056

For each 1056 feet the temperature decreases about 1 degree

Anderson is less than 1056 feet about sea level. At what temperature do you think water boils there?

What temperature for Salt Lake City?

no, i don't think so, since 1 mile equals 5280 ft. Utah is 4330 ft. and South Carolina is 722 ft. above sea level. They are both less than a mile.

Right they are less than a mile. But SLC is more than 1056 miles high, so water boils at a lower temperature there than 100 C. About what temperature does water boil in SLC?

If both those cities have altitudes UNDER a mile above sea level, then at what temperature does water boil?

Can you explain more on how you find the answer?

Thanks! :)

Can you explain more on how you find the answer?


Salt lake City, Utah is 4330 ft. above sea level. Anderson, South Carolina is 722 ft. above sea level.

Are they more than a mile above sea level? If they are, apply the formula. If they aren't, then water boils at 100 degrees C.