create two analogies with wheel and kitchen

Analogy 1: The wheel and a kitchen can be compared to a bicycle and a recipe book, respectively. Just as a wheel is an essential component for a bicycle's functionality, a recipe book is a fundamental tool for a kitchen's operations. Without a wheel, a bicycle cannot function properly or efficiently, just as a kitchen without a recipe book lacks guidance and inspiration for creating delicious meals. The wheel provides balance, control, and momentum for the bicycle, while the recipe book offers instructions, techniques, and a wide range of ideas for the chef to navigate through various culinary creations.

Analogy 2: Another analogy between a wheel and a kitchen can be drawn by comparing it to a car and cooking utensils, respectively. Just as a wheel is a crucial part of a car's mechanics, cooking utensils are indispensable tools in a kitchen's arsenal. A wheel allows the car to move smoothly, providing stability, control, and the ability to navigate through different terrains. Similarly, cooking utensils such as knives, pots, and pans enable the chef to prepare, cook, and serve dishes efficiently. These culinary tools are essential for chopping, sautéing, boiling, baking, and performing various culinary techniques that bring recipes to life, just as wheels allow cars to move swiftly and safely on the roads.

Multiple Choice: Circle the correct answer for each question.

Which purpose does the double colon serve in an analogy?

It tells you what to say.
It ends the analogy.
C. It compares the first two words to each other.
D. It divides the analogy into two pairs.

2. How do analogies help readers?

help readers analyze the relationship between words.
They help readers identify figurative language.
They help readers understand definitions.
They help readers to better comprehend a plot.

1. C. It compares the first two words to each other.

2. A. They help readers analyze the relationship between words.