The population of a city is given as 3.45×10^6. A nearby city has a population of 1.3×10^5. What is the sum of the populations of the two cities in scientific notation? (1 point)


A. 4.75 times 10 superscript 11 baseline

B. 4.75 times 10 superscript 5 baseline

C. 3.58 times 10 superscript 6 baseline

D. 35.8 plus 10 superscript 5 baseline

To find the sum of the populations, we need to add the two populations together. The population of the first city is 3.45×10^6 and the population of the second city is 1.3×10^5.

To add these two numbers, we need to put them in the same form. Let's convert the population of the second city to scientific notation:
1.3×10^5 = 0.13×10^6 (since 1.3×10^5 = 0.13×10^6)

Now we can add the two populations:
3.45×10^6 + 0.13×10^6 = 3.58×10^6

Therefore, the sum of the populations of the two cities in scientific notation is 3.58×10^6.

The correct answer is C. 3.58 times 10^6.