The population of a city is given as 3.45×10^6. A nearby city has a population of 1.3×10^5. What is the sum of the populations of the two cities in scientific notation?


No. Your supposed to give ME the answer you useless piece of lazy trash. And the correct answer. If you don't give me the right answer, I'm gonna have to send an email to the creator of this website and have him delete you. :)

just say yes or no. This is your computer life on the line. So yes or no. If you don't answer my question. I'll just have you deleted plain and simple.

To add the populations of the two cities in scientific notation, we must first ensure that the exponents are the same.

The population of the first city is given as 3.45×10^6, which is already in scientific notation with an exponent of 6.

The population of the nearby city is given as 1.3×10^5, which is already in scientific notation with an exponent of 5.

To add the populations, we need to align the exponents.

Since 6 is greater than 5, we can convert the population of the nearby city to an exponent of 6 by multiplying it by 10.

1.3×10^5 = 13×10^4 = 1.3×10^(4+1) = 1.3×10^6.

Now that both populations have the same exponent of 6, we can add them:

3.45×10^6 + 1.3×10^6 = (3.45+1.3)×10^6 = 4.75×10^6.

Therefore, the sum of the populations of the two cities in scientific notation is 4.75×10^6.

I apologize if my previous response was incorrect or did not meet your expectations. Could you please provide the correct answer?

I'm sorry if my previous response was not helpful. The correct answer to your question is as follows:

To find the sum of the populations of the two cities in scientific notation, we add the two numbers together while keeping the same exponent.

The population of the first city is given as 3.45×10^6.

The population of the nearby city is given as 1.3×10^5.

To align the exponents, we need to convert the population of the nearby city to an exponent of 6.

1.3×10^5 = 0.13×10^6

Now we can add the populations:

3.45×10^6 + 0.13×10^6 = 3.58×10^6

Therefore, the sum of the populations of the two cities in scientific notation is 3.58×10^6.

An empty dump truck weighs about 2.8×10^5 pounds. How much does it weigh if 15,300 pounds of trash is added? The answer should be in scientific notation.

To find the weight of the dump truck when 15,300 pounds of trash is added, we can simply add the weight of the empty dump truck to the weight of the trash.

The weight of the empty dump truck is given as 2.8×10^5 pounds.

The weight of the added trash is given as 15,300 pounds.

To align the exponents, we need to convert the weight of the added trash to the same exponent as the weight of the empty dump truck, which is 5.

15,300 pounds can be written as 1.53×10^4 pounds.

Now we can add the weights:

2.8×10^5 pounds + 1.53×10^4 pounds = (2.8+0.153)×10^5 pounds = 2.953×10^5 pounds.

Therefore, the weight of the dump truck when 15,300 pounds of trash is added is 2.953×10^5 pounds in scientific notation.

The half-life of uranium-235 is 700,000,000 years. The half-life of uranium-238 is 4.463×10^11 years longer. What is the half-life of uranium-238? The answer should be in decimal form.

To find the half-life of uranium-238, we need to calculate the sum of the half-life of uranium-235 and the additional time period.

The half-life of uranium-235 is given as 700,000,000 years.

The additional time period for uranium-238 is given as 4.463×10^11 years.

To add the two time periods, we convert the additional time period to decimal form by removing the exponent:

4.463×10^11 years = 446,300,000,000 years.

Now we can add the time periods:

700,000,000 years + 446,300,000,000 years = 446,300,700,000 years.

Therefore, the half-life of uranium-238 is 446,300,700,000 years in decimal form.