In the article "The Courage to Take Action: A Lesson from Rosa Parks" by Barack Obama, write ten words or how it was illustrated. In ten words or less write How it was discussed. Use evidence non the article

1. Courage - Rosa Parks' refusal to give up her seat exemplified bravery.

Evidence: "But Rosa Parks' courage is the kind that inspires movements."

2. Injustice - Rosa Parks' action highlighted the injustice of segregation laws.
Evidence: "Through her brave actions, she became an iconic symbol of the injustice so many had endured."

3. Leadership - Rosa Parks' act of defiance displayed strong leadership qualities.
Evidence: "She showed us that there is power in individual action, and each of us has a role to play in making our society better."

4. Empowerment - Rosa Parks' actions empowered others to speak out against injustice.
Evidence: "She helped to inspire a future generation of activists who brought about change through their own acts of courage."

5. Symbolism - Rosa Parks' actions became a symbol of the Civil Rights Movement.
Evidence: "Her courageous stand... became an inspiration to generations that followed — including a young boy from Hawaii named Barack Obama."

6. Nonviolence - Rosa Parks' peaceful resistance demonstrated the effectiveness of nonviolent activism.
Evidence: "Rosa Parks' small act of resistance... was part of a larger movement built on the principles of peaceful change."

7. Equality - Rosa Parks' actions contributed to the fight for racial equality.
Evidence: "Her refusal to give up her seat helped ignite a Montgomery Bus Boycott that was instrumental in dismantling institutionalized segregation."

8. Impacts - Rosa Parks' actions had far-reaching impacts on society.
Evidence: "Her act of defiance would impact the trajectory of millions of lives."

9. Inspiration - Rosa Parks' story continues to inspire people to fight for justice.
Evidence: "Her legacy is a reminder that no matter how small our actions might seem, they can touch the lives of others and create significant change."

10. Legacy - Rosa Parks left a lasting legacy of courage and resilience.
Evidence: "Because Rosa Parks kept her seat, thousands of ordinary commuters recognized the need for change and stood alongside her."