what was rosa parks known for

Rosa Parks was known for her role in the civil rights movement in the United States. She is best known for refusing to give up her seat to a white passenger on a segregated bus in Montgomery, Alabama in 1955, which sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott and became a symbol of resistance against racial segregation. Her act of defiance and courage played a significant role in the Civil Rights Movement and she is often referred to as the "Mother of the Civil Rights Movement."

why was rosa important to Georgia history and what was her legacy

Rosa Parks was important to Georgia history because of her actions that helped to ignite the Civil Rights Movement in the state and across the country. By refusing to give up her seat on a segregated bus in Montgomery, Alabama, Parks sparked a wave of organized protests, including the Montgomery Bus Boycott, which eventually led to the desegregation of buses in the city.

Her legacy in Georgia and beyond is one of courage, perseverance, and activism. Rosa Parks' refusal to comply with unjust laws and her commitment to fighting for racial equality inspired countless individuals to stand up against segregation and discrimination. Her actions helped to galvanize the Civil Rights Movement and paved the way for greater equality and justice for all Americans.

Today, Rosa Parks is remembered as a pioneering figure in the struggle for civil rights and her legacy continues to inspire generations of individuals to work towards a more equitable and inclusive society. Her impact on Georgia history and the broader civil rights movement cannot be overstated.