Katrina drinks 0.5 gallons of water per day. Which expression shows how to find the number of cups of water she drinks in a week?

There are 16 cups in a gallon.

StartFraction 0.5 gallons Over 1 day EndFraction × StartFraction 16 cups Over 1 gallon EndFraction × StartFraction 1 week Over 7 days EndFraction
StartFraction 0.5 gallons Over 1 day EndFraction × StartFraction 1 gallon Over 16 cups EndFraction × StartFraction 7 days Over 1 week EndFraction
StartFraction 0.5 gallons Over 1 day EndFraction × StartFraction 1 gallon Over 16 cups EndFraction × StartFraction 1 week Over 7 days EndFraction
StartFraction 0.5 gallons Over 1 day EndFraction × StartFraction 16 cups Over 1 gallon EndFraction × StartFraction 7 days Over 1 week EndFraction

The expression that shows how to find the number of cups of water Katrina drinks in a week is:

StartFraction 0.5 gallons Over 1 day EndFraction × StartFraction 16 cups Over 1 gallon EndFraction × StartFraction 7 days Over 1 week EndFraction