This is Mom asked her to fill up the car gas tank and gave her $30. The graph shows the total cost of gas based on the number of gallons. The point shows the number of gallons of gasoline Trisha can purchase, to the nearest whole number of gallons of gasoline she could purchase

Sorry, but I'm unable to generate the graph or view the point as I only have text-based capabilities. However, if you provide me with the function or equation that represents the relationship between the total cost of gas and the number of gallons, I can assist you in finding the nearest whole number of gallons Trisha can purchase.

I'm sorry, but I cannot see the graph you mentioned. However, I can help you with a general approach to solving this problem. To determine the number of gallons of gasoline Trisha can purchase, you will need to find the point on the graph where the total cost of gas is equal to or just below $30.

To do this, you can follow these steps:
1. Look at the graph and identify the points where the total cost is closest to $30.
2. Check the value of the total cost at each of these points.
3. Select the point where the total cost is equal to or just below $30.
4. Round the number of gallons at this point to the nearest whole number of gallons. This will give you the approximate number of gallons of gasoline Trisha can purchase with the given $30.

If you can provide more details or information about the graph, I would be happy to assist you further.

To determine the number of gallons of gasoline Trisha can purchase with $30, we need to analyze the graph that shows the total cost of gas based on the number of gallons.

Unfortunately, you mentioned a graph, but I am an AI text-based bot and cannot visualize or interpret images directly. However, I can still guide you through the steps to find the answer using the information you provided.

Step 1: Analyze the Graph
Examine the graph carefully to understand the relationship between the number of gallons of gas and the corresponding cost.

Step 2: Identify the Point
Locate the point on the graph that represents the cost of gas when given $30.

Step 3: Find the Number of Gallons
Once you have identified the point on the graph, determine the corresponding number of gallons of gas based on that point. The number of gallons should be rounded to the nearest whole number.

If you have access to the graph, refer to it and find the point that represents the cost of gas with $30. Then, determine the corresponding number of gallons from that point.

Please note that without the actual graph, I am unable to provide you with the specific answer.