what are ursula's values and motives

Ursula is a fictional character from Disney's The Little Mermaid, known for her villainous nature. Her values and motives reflect her desire for power and control.

Her primary motive is to gain power over the underwater kingdom of Atlantica and its ruler, King Triton. She is driven by a deep-seated hatred and jealousy towards Triton, as she believes she should be the ruler instead.

Ursula values her own personal gain above anything else. She is cunning, manipulative, and will stop at nothing to achieve her goals. She uses her magical abilities and deceptive nature to deceive others and take advantage of their vulnerabilities.

Furthermore, Ursula values her own appearance and beauty, often using her ability to transform into a more attractive version of herself to manipulate and seduce others.

Overall, Ursula's values and motives are centered around power, control, personal gain, and the overthrowing of King Triton.