What is a good strategy to take when setting limits for expressing sexual feelings?

(1 point)

Consider the values of the media.
Consider the values of the media.

Consider the values that your friends hold.
Consider the values that your friends hold.

Consider the values that you hold.
Consider the values that you hold.

Consider the values of society.

Consider the values of society, as well as the values that you hold.

you can only pick one answer

Consider the values that you hold.

When setting limits for expressing sexual feelings, it is important to consider multiple factors. Here are some key strategies to consider:

1. Consider the values of the media: The media often portrays various sexual norms and behaviors. It's essential to critically analyze and evaluate these influences to determine what aligns with your personal values.

2. Consider the values that your friends hold: Your friends may have different perspectives and boundaries when it comes to expressing sexual feelings. Engage in open conversations with them to understand different viewpoints and seek guidance if needed.

3. Consider the values that you hold: Reflecting on your own values is crucial in establishing personal boundaries. Take time to understand your comfort level, respect your own boundaries, and ensure that any expressions of sexual feelings align with your own ethical and moral standards.

4. Consider the values of society: Society may have certain norms and expectations regarding the expression of sexual feelings. While it's important to be aware of these societal values, it is equally crucial to question and challenge them if they contradict your own beliefs or personal boundaries.

By taking these strategies into account, you can establish limits for expressing sexual feelings that are in line with your values, respect the boundaries of others, and promote healthy and consensual interactions.