Ryan ran a race at a pace of 6 miles per hour. They ran a total of 9 miles. If you solve using the equation 6x=9 , which unit should be used for the missing value? Enter 1 for miles, 2 for hours, or 3 for miles per hour.(1 point)

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To solve the equation 6x = 9, we need to find the missing value which is represented by x.

Given that the pace is 6 miles per hour and the total distance run is 9 miles, we can relate the two by the equation 6x = 9.

To find x, we divide both sides of the equation by 6:
(6x)/6 = 9/6
x = 3/2

The missing value x represents the time it took to run the 9 miles.

Therefore, the unit that should be used for the missing value is 2 for hours.