A student claims that dominant traits are always the most common traits. Is this true? Why or why not?(1 point)


No, dominant traits only show up if they are inherited; how common they are is not influenced by this.
No, dominant traits only show up if they are inherited; how common they are is not influenced by this.

Yes, dominant traits became more common over time as they are passed down from generation to generation; recessive alleles continue to become less common over time.
Yes, dominant traits became more common over time as they are passed down from generation to generation; recessive alleles continue to become less common over time.

Yes, dominant traits are called dominant because they are the most common.
Yes, dominant traits are called dominant because they are the most common.

No, dominant traits in general tend to be less common in the population and continue to persist only because they are dominant over more common recessive alleles.
No, dominant traits in general tend to be less common in the population and continue to persist only because they are dominant over more common recessive alleles.
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No, dominant traits are not always the most common traits. Dominant traits simply refer to traits that are expressed in the presence of at least one dominant allele. The frequency of dominant traits in a population is not solely determined by their dominance, but rather by a combination of various factors including how frequently the dominant allele is present in the population and whether it provides a selective advantage. It is possible for recessive traits to be more common in a population if the recessive allele has a higher frequency or if it provides a selective advantage in certain environments.

which option.

The correct option is:

No, dominant traits in general tend to be less common in the population and continue to persist only because they are dominant over more common recessive alleles.