Why did factories in those areas want to buy Texas cotton?

Factories in those areas wanted to buy Texas cotton due to several reasons:

1. Quality: Texas cotton, particularly the long-staple variety known as American Upland, has historically been known for its superior quality. It has longer fibers compared to other cotton varieties, making it stronger and more durable, which is advantageous for textile manufacturing.

2. Yield: Texas has a favorable climate and extensive agricultural lands, leading to significant cotton production. The state consistently produces large quantities of cotton, ensuring a consistent supply for factories.

3. Cost-effectiveness: Texas cotton is often considered cost-effective for factories due to its abundant supply and relatively lower prices compared to other cotton-growing regions. This makes it an attractive option for businesses looking to reduce production costs.

4. Proximity: The geographic proximity of Texas to factories in areas like the southern United States and Mexico allows for efficient transportation and reduced logistical costs, further making Texas cotton an appealing option.

Overall, the combination of quality, yield, cost-effectiveness, and proximity makes Texas cotton a sought-after commodity for factories in textile manufacturing.