What are part of speech, root word, definition, synonym, and antonyms for the words below.


Here are the parts of speech, root words, definitions, synonyms, and antonyms for the given words:

1. Soliloquy
- Part of speech: noun
- Root word: solus (Latin) meaning "alone"
- Definition: a dramatic monologue where a character speaks their thoughts aloud regardless of being alone on stage
- Synonym: monologue
- Antonym: dialogue

2. Agrarian
- Part of speech: adjective
- Root word: agrarius (Latin) meaning "pertaining to land"
- Definition: relating to farming or rural matters
- Synonym: agricultural
- Antonym: urban

3. Indignant
- Part of speech: adjective
- Root word: indigena (Latin) meaning "born in"
- Definition: feeling or showing anger or annoyance at something considered unfair or unjust
- Synonym: angry
- Antonym: content

4. Obsolete
- Part of speech: adjective
- Root word: obsolescere (Latin) meaning "fall into disuse"
- Definition: no longer in use or outdated
- Synonym: outdated
- Antonym: current

5. Dignitary
- Part of speech: noun
- Root word: dignitas (Latin) meaning "worthiness"
- Definition: a person who holds a high rank or office, often involving respect or honor
- Synonym: official
- Antonym: commoner

6. Excellence
- Part of speech: noun
- Root word: excellentia (Latin) meaning "superiority"
- Definition: the quality of being outstanding or extremely good
- Synonym: quality
- Antonym: mediocrity

7. Autogenesis
- Part of speech: noun
- Root word: autos (Greek) meaning "self" and genesis (Greek) meaning "origin"
- Definition: the development or production of organisms or cells from their own selves
- Synonym: self-generation
- Antonym: allopatric

8. Peregrine
- Part of speech: adjective
- Root word: peregrinus (Latin) meaning "foreigner" or "traveler"
- Definition: foreign, traveling, or migrating
- Synonym: migratory
- Antonym: native

9. Dignified
- Part of speech: adjective
- Root word: dignus (Latin) meaning "worthy"
- Definition: having or showing a composed or serious manner that is worthy of respect
- Synonym: stately
- Antonym: undignified

10. Solitude
- Part of speech: noun
- Root word: solus (Latin) meaning "alone"
- Definition: the state of being alone or isolated
- Synonym: seclusion
- Antonym: company

11. Accelerate
- Part of speech: verb
- Root word: accelerare (Latin) meaning "quicken"
- Definition: to increase in speed or progress
- Synonym: speed up
- Antonym: decelerate

12. Regenerate
- Part of speech: verb
- Root word: regenerare (Latin) meaning "recreate"
- Definition: to restore or renew, particularly in a moral or physical sense
- Synonym: renew
- Antonym: degenerate