Solve the following linear equation for x. Then check our answer. Show all your steps for solving and checking.

5x + 8 + x = 32

To solve the equation 5x + 8 + x = 32, we first combine like terms:

5x + x + 8 = 32

This simplifies to:

6x + 8 = 32

Next, we isolate x by subtracting 8 from both sides:

6x + 8 - 8 = 32 - 8

This simplifies to:

6x = 24

To solve for x, we divide both sides by 6:

6x/6 = 24/6

This simplifies to:

x = 4

To check our solution, we substitute x = 4 back into the original equation:

5(4) + 8 + 4 = 32

This simplifies to:

20 + 8 + 4 = 32

Adding the terms together, we get:

32 = 32

Since both sides of the equation are equal, our solution of x = 4 is correct.

can you make it shorter please

Certainly! Here's a shorter version:

5x + 8 + x = 32

Simplify the left side by combining like terms:

6x + 8 = 32

Subtract 8 from both sides:

6x = 24

Divide both sides by 6:

x = 4

To check, substitute x = 4 back into the original equation:

5(4) + 8 + 4 = 32


20 + 8 + 4 = 32

32 = 32

Since both sides are equal, our solution of x = 4 is correct.