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Solve the equation. Check for extraneous solutions.


To solve the equation 9|3−8x|=2x+3, we need to consider two cases separately when the expression inside the absolute value is positive and when it is negative.

Case 1: When 3 - 8x is positive
In this case, the equation can be written as 9(3 - 8x) = 2x + 3.
Distribute 9: 27 - 72x = 2x + 3.
Combine like terms: -72x - 2x = 3 - 27.
Simplify: -74x = -24.
Divide by -74: x = (-24) / (-74).
Simplify: x = 12 / 37.

Case 2: When 3 - 8x is negative
In this case, we need to negate the expression inside the absolute value and solve for x.
The equation becomes 9(-(3 - 8x)) = 2x + 3.
Distribute the negative sign: 9(-3 + 8x) = 2x + 3.
Simplify: -27 + 72x = 2x + 3.
Combine like terms: 72x - 2x = 3 + 27.
Simplify: 70x = 30.
Divide by 70: x = 30 / 70.
Simplify: x = 3 / 7.

So the two solutions are x = 12/37 and x = 3/7.
To check for extraneous solutions, substitute these values back into the original equation:

For x = 12/37:
9|3 - 8(12/37)| = 2(12/37) + 3
9|(111 - 96)/37| = 24/37 + 3
9|15/37| = 24/37 + 3
9(15/37) = 24/37 + 3
135/37 = (24 + 111)/37
135/37 = 135/37

The left side is equal to the right side, so x = 12/37 is a valid solution.

For x = 3/7:
9|3 - 8(3/7)| = 2(3/7) + 3
9|(21 - 24)/7| = 6/7 + 3
9|-3/7| = 6/7 + 3
9(3/7) = 6/7 + 21/7
27/7 = 27/7

Again, the left side is equal to the right side, so x = 3/7 is also a valid solution.

Therefore, the solutions to the equation 9|3−8x|=2x+3 are x = 12/37 and x = 3/7.

To solve the equation, we need to remove the absolute value bars first. We have:

9|3 - 8x| = 2x + 3

We can start by dividing both sides of the equation by 9:

|3 - 8x| = (2x + 3)/9

Now we need to consider two cases:

Case 1: 3 - 8x ≥ 0 (No absolute value)

In this case, we can simply remove the absolute value bars without changing the equation:

3 - 8x = (2x + 3)/9

Next, we can multiply both sides of the equation by 9 to eliminate the fraction:

9(3 - 8x) = 2x + 3

27 - 72x = 2x + 3

Combine like terms:

-72x - 2x = 3 - 27

-74x = -24

Divide both sides of the equation by -74:

x = -24 / -74

Simplify the fraction:

x = 12 / 37

Case 2: 3 - 8x < 0 (Absolute value with negative sign)

In this case, we need to flip the inequality sign and change the absolute value expression to its negation:

-(3 - 8x) = (2x + 3)/9

Simplify the negation:

-3 + 8x = (2x + 3)/9

Next, we can multiply both sides of the equation by 9 to eliminate the fraction:

9(-3 + 8x) = 2x + 3

-27 + 72x = 2x + 3

Combine like terms:

72x - 2x = 3 + 27

70x = 30

Divide both sides of the equation by 70:

x = 30 / 70

Simplify the fraction:

x = 3 / 7

Now we need to check for extraneous solutions by substituting both values of x back into the original equation:

For x = 12 / 37:

9|3 - 8(12 / 37)| = 2(12 / 37) + 3


9|3 - 96 / 37| = 24 / 37 + 111 / 37

Now evaluate the absolute value expression:

9|111 / 37 - 96 / 37| = 24 / 37 + 111 / 37

Simplify the fractions:

9|(111 - 96) / 37| = (24 + 111) / 37

Calculate the numerator inside the absolute value:

9|15 / 37| = 135 / 37

Since the absolute value of 15/37 is positive, we can remove the absolute value bars:

9 * 15 / 37 = 135 / 37


135 / 37 = 135 / 37

The left side equals the right side, so x = 12/37 is a valid solution.

For x = 3/7:

9|3 - 8(3 / 7)| = 2(3 / 7) + 3


9|3 - 24 / 7| = 6 / 7 + 21 / 7

Now evaluate the absolute value expression:

9|21 / 7 - 24 / 7| = 6 / 7 + 21 / 7

Simplify the fractions:

9|(21 - 24) / 7| = (6 + 21) / 7

Calculate the numerator inside the absolute value:

9|-3 / 7| = 27 / 7

Since the absolute value of -3/7 is positive, we can remove the absolute value bars:

9 * 3 / 7 = 27 / 7


27 / 7 = 27 / 7

The left side equals the right side, so x = 3/7 is also a valid solution.

Therefore, the solutions to the equation are x = 12/37 and x = 3/7, and both solutions are valid (there are no extraneous solutions).