Grandma is removing weeds from her garden. She estimates that there are 250 weeds in the garden at the moment, and she can remove weeds

at a rate of 5 per minute. At this rate how many minutes (m) will it take Grandma to only have 30 weeds remaining in the garden?

a 250-5m = 30
b 30 - 5m = 250
c 250 + 5m = 30
d 5m - 250 = 30

The correct equation is a) 250 - 5m = 30.

Let's break it down:

- Grandma starts with 250 weeds in the garden.
- She can remove 5 weeds per minute.
- After m minutes, she will have removed a total of 5m weeds.

So, the equation becomes:
250 - 5m = 30

The goal is to find the value of m when there are only 30 weeds remaining in the garden.