J'Shawn owes his mom $39. He earned $28 for pulling weeds at the neighbor’s house and then let his brother borrow $15. Which expression represents how much money J'Shawn currently has?


39 minus 28 plus 15

39 plus 28 plus 15

negative 39 plus 28 minus 15


negative 39 minus 28 minus 15

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The local gym is offering this new promotion: An enrollment fee of $25 and a monthly fee of $15. Which of the following expressions represents the cost of the gym membership for m months?

To calculate how much money J'Shawn currently has, you need to subtract the amount he earned, $28, from the amount he owes, $39, and then add the amount he let his brother borrow, $15.

The expression that represents how much money J'Shawn currently has is:

39 - 28 + 15

To find out how much money J'Shawn currently has, we need to take into account the initial debt he owes his mom and the subsequent transactions of earning money and lending money.

J'Shawn owes his mom $39, so we start with $39. Then we add the amount he earned for pulling weeds at the neighbor's house, which is $28. Finally, we subtract the amount he borrowed from his brother, which is $15.

Therefore, the expression that represents how much money J'Shawn currently has is:

39 - 28 + 15 = 26

So, J'Shawn currently has $26.