Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of selective breeding versus genetic modification. Why might a person choose to use selective breeding over genetic modification? Why might a person choose to create a GMO over a selectively bred organism? Use three to five sentences to formulate your argument (4 points)

max 50 words make it sound like a 13 year old wrote it

Selective breeding involves choosing specific organisms with desirable traits and allowing them to reproduce, aiming to enhance those traits in future generations. This method is more natural and has been used for centuries, allowing for the preservation of genetic diversity. However, it is a slow process and lacks precision.

On the other hand, genetic modification involves directly altering an organism's DNA to introduce desired traits. This method allows for faster and more precise results, but it may have unintended consequences on the environment and biodiversity.

A person may choose selective breeding over genetic modification because it is a more traditional and natural method, respects the integrity of the species, and may have less risk of unintended consequences. Conversely, someone may choose to create a GMO over a selectively bred organism if they need a specific trait and require quicker and more precise results. Additionally, GMOs can be engineered to have traits that are hard to achieve through selective breeding, such as disease resistance or increased crop yield.