Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of selective breeding versus genetic modification. Why might a person choose to use selective breeding over genetic modification? Why might a person choose to create a GMO over a selectively bred organism? Use three to five sentences to formulate your argument (4 points)

Selective breeding and genetic modification are two methods used to produce desired traits in organisms, but they differ in several ways. Selective breeding involves the controlled mating of organisms with desirable characteristics, leading to the accumulation of desired traits over time. This method is advantageous because it is relatively simple, natural, and has been practiced for centuries. However, it is time-consuming, and there is limited control over the exact outcome. On the other hand, genetic modification involves directly manipulating an organism's genes to introduce new traits. It provides more precise control over the desired characteristic but requires advanced technology and can involve potential ethical concerns. Some individuals may prefer selective breeding if they are looking for a more natural approach or if they are satisfied with already available breeds. Conversely, someone might choose genetic modification when they need to introduce a specific trait that cannot be achieved through selective breeding or when faster and more precise results are required.