me and my 12 buddies wanted to rent some boats for a fun time at the lake. We had some money to spend. Let's say we had $250 to rent the boats. Each boat cost us $40 to rent.

So, to figure out how many boats we could rent, we can make an inequality. Let's call the number of boats "x." The inequality would be:

40x ≤ 250

Now, we saw a sign at the boat place that said each boat has a weight limit. The boats could carry a total weight of, let's say, 800 pounds. Since we each weighed around 150 pounds, we can calculate how many of us could fit in a boat.

Let's call the number of friends that could fit in each boat "y." The inequality would be:

150y ≤ 800

Now, let's solve these inequalities!

First, for the number of boats:
40x ≤ 250
x ≤ 6.25

Since you can't have a fraction of a boat, we round down to the nearest whole number. So, we could rent a maximum of 6 boats with $250.

Next, for the number of friends in each boat:
150y ≤ 800
y ≤ 5.33

Again, we round down to the nearest whole number. So, each boat can fit a maximum of 5 friends.

Based on these solutions, the minimum number of boats we need to rent is 1, because we have at least 12 friends and each boat can fit 5 friends.

Now, let's write a proposal to our friends about how many boats we should rent.

Hey friends,

I hope you're all excited for our boat adventure at the lake! We have $250 for boat rentals, and each boat costs $40 to rent. Based on our budget, we can rent a maximum of 6 boats. However, each boat can only fit a maximum of 5 people, considering the weight limit of 800 pounds.

Our options for the number of boats we could rent are:

- Renting 1 boat: This option allows all of us to have a fun time on the lake but may limit our flexibility and space.

- Renting 2 boats: With 2 boats, we'll have more room to enjoy ourselves and move around.

- Renting 3 or more boats: The more boats we rent, the more space and freedom we'll have.

Considering our budget and the number of friends we have, I think the best option would be to rent 2 boats. This way, we will have enough room for everyone, and it won't strain our budget too much.

can you rewrite this to be simpilar

Hey friends,

We have $250 for boat rentals, and each boat costs $40 to rent. Based on our budget, we can rent a maximum of 6 boats. However, each boat can only fit a maximum of 5 people.

Our options for the number of boats we could rent are:

- Renting 1 boat: Allows all of us to have fun, but may limit our space.

- Renting 2 boats: More room to enjoy ourselves and move around.

- Renting 3 or more boats: More space and freedom.

Considering our budget and the number of friends we have, I think the best option is to rent 2 boats. This way, we will have enough room for everyone and it won't strain our budget too much.