joann likes her job as a babysitter but it pays only 3 dollars per hour , she has been offered a job as a tutor that pays 6 dollars per house, because of school her parents only allower her to work a maximum of 15 hours per week how mnay hours can joann tutor and babysit and still make atleast 66 dolars per week . how much does she make. write the inequality

Let x be the number of hours Joann tutors and y be the number of hours she babysits.

Her total earnings from tutoring would be 6x dollars.
Her total earnings from babysitting would be 3y dollars.

She can work a maximum of 15 hours, so the inequality is:
x + y ≤ 15

She wants to make at least 66 dollars per week, so the inequality is:
6x + 3y ≥ 66