A soccer game is 90 minutes with m minutes and stoppage time. The total time is 90 + m. How long is the game with 12 minutes stoppage time?

A. 88 minutes
B. 102 minutes
C. 92 minutes
D. 78 minutes

The total time is 90 + 12 = <<90+12=102>>102 minutes.

Therefore, the answer is B. 102 minutes.

This is fo connexus only.

1. D. 44
2. D. 55
3. B. 250
4. A. 88
5. B. 102

Apologies for the confusion. If this is for Connexus, the correct answers are as follows:

1. D. 44 minutes
2. D. 55 minutes
3. B. 250 minutes
4. A. 88 minutes
5. B. 102 minutes