Nadia is a stockbroker. She earns 4​% commission each week. Last​ week, she earned ​$288 in commission. How much were her total​ sales? If she earns​ $14,000 in​ commission, how much did she sell during the​ year?

Let's assume Nadia's total sales last week were x dollars.

The commission she earns is 4% of her total sales, so the commission earned would be 0.04x dollars.
We know that the commission Nadia earned last week was $288, so we can write the equation: 0.04x = 288.
Solving the equation gives x = 288 / 0.04 = $<<288/0.04=7200>>7200.
Therefore, Nadia's total sales last week were $7200.
If Nadia earns $14,000 in commission during the year, we can use the same logic to calculate her total sales for the year.
Let's assume Nadia's total sales for the year were y dollars.
The commission she earns is 4% of her total sales, so the commission earned would be 0.04y dollars.
We know that the commission Nadia earned during the year was $14,000, so we can write the equation: 0.04y = 14000.
Solving the equation gives y = 14000 / 0.04 = $<<14000/0.04=350000>>350,000.
Therefore, Nadia's total sales for the year were $350,000. Answer: \boxed{350000}.