Number line: A black line with numbers from -10 to 4 1/3. A orange line front 4 1/3 to 10.

What linear inequality is shown graphed on the number line? make sure to write your inequality so that x comes first.


The linear inequality shown on the number line is x ≤ 4 1/3 or x ≥ 4 1/3.

i already tried that, its wrong

Apologies for the previous response. Let's try again.

The linear inequality shown on the number line is x ≤ -10 or x ≥ 10.

Number line: A black line with numbers from -10 to 4 1/3. A orange line front 4 1/3 of the way to 5 to 10.

What linear inequality is shown graphed on the number line? make sure to write your inequality so that x comes first.

Based on the description, the orange line starts at approximately 4 1/3 and ends at 10. Therefore, the linear inequality shown on the number line is x ≥ 4 1/3 and x ≤ 10.