Use the image to answer the question.

A number line is shown ranging from negative 10 to 10 with numbers listed in unit increments. A closed point is plotted on the number line between 4 and 5, just after 4. A rightward arrow is marked on the number line that originates at the closed point and goes beyond 10.

What linear inequality is shown graphed on the number line? Make sure to write your inequality so that x comes first.

Based on the information provided, we can determine the linear inequality shown on the number line. The closed point (•) plotted between 4 and 5, just after 4, represents the value 4. Since it is a closed point, it means that the value of x is greater than or equal to 4.

The rightward arrow marked on the number line indicates that the values of x extend beyond 10. So, combining both conditions, we can write the inequality as:

x ≥ 4 and x > 10

However, we can simplify this to just:

x > 10

This is because if x is greater than 10, it automatically satisfies the condition x ≥ 4. In other words, if a number is greater than 10, it is also greater than or equal to 4.

So, the linear inequality shown on the number line is:

x > 10